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Sell Diamonds NYC (Business) in Rye

Full information about Sell Diamonds NYC in Rye: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Sell Diamonds NYC on the map, description and reviews.

Business in Rye

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Contact details of Sell Diamonds NYC:

55 W 47th St #203D, Rye, New York (NY), 10036


[email protected]


Sell Diamonds NYC opening hours:

Mon - Sun 9am–6pm


Reviews about Sell Diamonds NYC:

About Sell Diamonds NYC:

That’s right, you will find out the main store is based right in the heart of the famous Diamond District, right here in New York. The diamond district is where it all happens! And that is exactly why we have chosen this section of NY to be the home of our business. By being constantly amid the action, we can well and truly keep our fingers on the pulse of the fast moving diamond trade.

Sell Diamonds in NYC. If you are looking to sell diamonds in NYC, then you have found the right place. We specialize in buying diamonds in all forms, we buy engagement rings, diamond jewelry, loose diamonds, rare diamonds, melee diamonds, small diamonds, large diamonds over 4ct., rare exotic gems and more.

No matter what kinds of diamonds or other valuable items you have, we’re here to buy it from you. We’ve been in this industry for years and have built a strong reputation as the most trusted buyers who offer the highest prices in the area.

Since we pay so much more than the competitors we continuously get referral and repeat customers who sell us their diamonds. You can see how this has helped to grow our business to be the successful diamond buyers we are today. We love working with diamonds and we want to help you to sell yours today!


Business nearest to Sell Diamonds NYC:

DD Buyers Rye, Business;    55 W 47th St, Rye, NY, 10036;    (646) 736-7321

Letis Watch Repair Sales Rye, Business;    75 W 47th St, Rye, NY, 10036-2823;    (212) 302-0792

Royal Gems Corp : Gold & Jewelry Buyers NYC Rye, Business;    55 W 47th St, Rye, NY, 10036;    (646) 470-3083

Stern Coin Co Rye, Business;    75 W 47th St, Rye, NY, 10036-2823;    (212) 354-4753